[= examination is OVER. ha.
well, have art today (: need to colour the four pictures, hand very tired leh. but still managed to finish lah. afiq's art piece is very NICE!!! oh, i fall in love with it already. lol.
after exam, mr wong brief us about next year the subject thing. ha. i don't want to chose. but i suddenly feel like taking triple science leh. dunno lah ;p
walk to the bus-stop with IRA (: cause weilin and joey went out. then take the same bus as ramizah [=
yup, reach home. then blah, blah. i didn't take afternoon nap leh (: mummy ask me to follow her to shopping but i didn't lah ;p
i don't think i want to touch the books anymore. haha. but still have tuition ]=
i want to go and watch the dance festival!!!
3 of us [=
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